Friday, December 30, 2011

Cyber Relationship At a Closer Look

So... what is cyber relationship?

  • Relationship that either was generated or continue solely through the internet as a medium for meeting and/ or communication
  • Relationship maybe illicit, although not in all circumstances

At such internet times, the distance with people from all around the world are now brought so much closer together just by clicks. With internet, we are able to "meet" people virtually we would never have the opportunity to be able to do so in real life.

The anonymity the internet provides in one respect, the perfect shield for us to let our guards down and be ourselves, to people we do not know miles away. We feel a sense of safety and secure in spilling our hurts and emotions to someone we know we may never will meet in person.

This is the power to the internet.

Nevertheless, there are many other things we can do online. Online shopping, watching dramas, researching for information just to name a few.

Remember times when people gasp in shock when couples say that they met one another over the internet? Its different now. Cyber relationships is becoming a norm. People relying on dating websites to get dates now...

I do not have anything against this kind of cyber relationship. Well, basically because this is not exactly what i mean as "cyber relationship". For me, it is when a couple from behind the screen, one on each, whom does not meet out in real life and have no idea who the other party is, do their dates and meet up and being true to each other online... The thing is, if you have a spouse (in real life we are saying here), do you count a relationship in the virtual world, as cheating?

There are other types of cyber relationships too. Some are getting to an online dating website to date and relying on social networking platforms to know people etc

Let us now take a closer look at cyber relationship...

  1. Advantage for people who are an introvert or people who do not feel comfortable meeting new people in public areas or are new to an area
  2. Able to "pick and choose" people you are interested in and meet them easily than in real life
  3. No serious commitment required
  4. More freedom
  5. Able to choose what you want to hide
  6. Very little or no conflicts with each other
  7. Decrease one's loneliness and create a type of social life
  8. Possibility of creating a genuine relationship in the real life

1. It is not real

2. "Couples" feel distant as there is no physical contact

3. Constant use of cyberspace for communication(to your "partner") loses important factors of the social atmosphere
  • Like sense of sight, touch, smell, taste, hearing and body language
  • When we talk to someone face to face, we are able to get many messages from them just by their tone of voice, body language and facial expressions
  • These actions give us almost as much information as the words we hear
  • Something what we cannot experience in the virtual world
  • You can click here to look more indepth about this con
4. What you see may not be what you get
  • People may lie and fabricate identities, things just to get anything they want
  • You may then get hurt
5. Risky; may attract the wrong people
  • E.g Perverts, pedophiles
  • Leads to harassment, stalking etc
6. Increase of cyber relationships may lead to decrease of birth rate then to population
  • People spend more time online than going out to socialize, or think think that marriage is not a need anymore or do not want to marry as a relationship online is enough already
7. Loss of social life in real life for the future generations
  • Everything will be done online thus social life will lose itself slowly as people no longer socialize face to face
8. People will not be able to differentiate what is real emotions with people in the real life and what is not anymore

9. People may get cheated as their "partners" can have several different "partners"

10. Waste of time as people may not get what they desired for

11. People may start to adopt negative thinking like "relationships ain't real" from their experience with cyber relationships

So, Why Do People Still Get Into a Cyber Relationship?

Answer: The anonymity of the whole internet scene

For example,

1. If a husband is having problems with his wife, quarrelling and fighting all the time, and he feels she do not listen to him anymore, he is only a few clicks away from some woman who is wiling to give him what he needs, to satisfy him mentally, without any other responsibilities of a relationship.

2. If a woman is fighting with her husband, feels unappreciated and taken for granted by the husband, she only needs to turn on her monitor and connect to the internet to find a man on the other side of the screen who will tell her all those things her wounded ego needs to hear.

3. Like the pros mentioned above, it is for people who are introverts and are uncomfortable in meeting new people in public areas or meeting in person

4. To kill time/ kill their boredom

5. For fun


cyber relationship, cheating or not?

To begin with this, let us watch this video:

Neither is cyber relationship involved in a physical nor sexually relationship but the fact is they are sharing personal thoughts, needs, emotions and opinions with a completely stranger from the web other than your spouse.

Emotional affairs are often more devastating than sexual affairs when the spouse is sharing all the things he is suppose to share with his partner to someone else. It is okay to have online friends and to confide in them, and have the anonymity of the internet to protect you.

But most importantly, where do you draw the line?

The best rule to gauge this is to determine if more time is spent in quality conversation with the online ‘friend’ than with your spouse. If you are spending more time on the computer talking to others than talking to your spouse, then, there is a problem. When you share your personal feelings about your partner with another instead of to your partner, you definitely have an issue.

Basically, when the computer and the people behind it begins to replace your real life connections with people, especially when those cyber relationships are taking the place of time with your partner, you are having a cyber affair. You are CHEATING. Also, if your partner feels as though you are cheating because of the time spent online with another, or you gave something that rightfully should be given to your partner, you are cheating.

  1. Lying about who you are talking to or how much you talk to your cyber friend
  2. Lying about the things you discuss with your cyber friend
  3. Sneaking around behind your partner’s back in order to communicate with your cyber friend
  4. You can look up for more here

These are some of my thoughts and research. Do drop me a comment of yours as well!
Thank You!


  1. You have provided quite a lot of info on the topic and there are some useful links as well. Do incorporate the links into the presentation than pool them at the end of the presentation.

    A couple of things to clarify - why do you link anonymity with cyber relationships? Don't people have to reveal who they are in they want to be involved in a relationship? Also, why do you assume the connection between cheating and cyber relationships? In the US, many couples nowadays meet online, but they are not necc cheating, as in they may not have girlfriends/boyfriends/wives/husbands already.

  2. I like the way you structured your text! It's really detailed. Also, your personal thoughts were interesting.

    For me, I understand that if a couple quarelled, one may need another ear to listen to his or her thoughts. But I think that there may be a better choice other than having a cyber relationship. Like finding a counseller or maybe chat with other family members.

    In fact, I think that having a cyber relation would worsen the situation. =.=

  3. Jason here !

    hmm, actually to me cyber relationship cannot be consider real. To me, to consider someone as your the other half, he or she must go through a lot with you, physically and not through the screen. Their presence really count. Lips can lie, you'll never know whether its true or not but eyes will never lie, you need to look into their eyes and speak which has to do it in real life relationship and you'll know how sincere the other party is.

  4. I dont believe in cyber relationships and thats mainly because of the belief
    "danger lurking behind closed doors". If you have no intention of hurting others or gain anything in return would you want to spend all your time on somebody you dont know? Definitely not. Friends you meet online would just be friends and they can never match up to the people you meet in real life. There is a limit to it!

  5. Nice information provided and its very detailed. To me cyber relationship is not realistic at all. Friends you met online will not really have a long lasting relationship as you need each other side by side and not com through com :)_

  6. Very detailed information! I do believe there are couples that are currently in a long distance relationship & worked out pretty well. But I believe cheating on their "cyber partners" is pretty easy since the other partner is on the other side of the world. To me, having a relationship in real life is more practical.

  7. Subtle information! Your video makes me understand how cyber relationship could be so addictive. I always believe that relationship in real life would be more down-to-earth where it will definitely last longer.

  8. Really interesting topic with lots of information on it as well... Even though an online relationship can be fun and the thrill is there, he/she on the other end is still a total stranger who can just lie completely about who they are and how they act so we will never really know what they are thinking or how they are like in real life. Thats why I think online relationships hardly work out...

  9. Haha! Funny picture over there, they meet up but still chat through the Internet.

    I do not really support cyber relationship. It is not real at all! You can sweet talk whatever you want to the other party, but is there really love?
    But if u have nothing to do, a cyber relationship can be for fun though and yes I agree that it can lead to real life relationship as I've seen some examples around me.

  10. Very detailed information. To me, cyber relationship may be fun or thrilling, and yes it may lead to real life relationship. But I believe most of them won't last long.

  11. Dewaine here! :D

    Very organized presentation of information which makes the reading enjoyable!

    I myself do not support cyber relationships as they are not founded on strong foundations which makes it very hard for the virtual couples to maintain it.

    Anyway, nice information over there! :)

  12. Actually I act differently on internet. I willing to share more on internet. Yet I will say NO to cyber relationship. It's just a fake relationship.

  13. I agree with bao cheng but on the contrary i share less on the internet because you can never be too sure who is looking at that the way i like how u organised the information...

  14. Bryan here~
    Well-organised structure which makes it easy to identify your key points.

    To me, cyber relationships can be very real since i got into my present relationship through the internet. I agree with the point on body language. I feel that most of the communication between people is non-verbal and until two people have actually met in real life, the relationship is incomplete and not as fulfiling.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Your blog is simple and post is well-structured.
    I agree that cyber r/s is easier for introvert people to start getting close to people but things will be different in real life though.
    However, there are cyber r/s that really lasted so i think it depend on individuals? But for me, i rather get to know the person better plus r/s is easier to maintained and feel more real. thus cyber r/s is not a thing for me.

  17. Wow! Interesting blog! Frankly i learnt alot just by reading your blog. I have to agree with you that cyber relationships provides more CONS than PROS. In my opinion, it'll be an appropriate tool to connect with others online if you are using it correctly. It is a good network to get closer with other people but definitely NOT to the extent of getting into relationships.

  18. newmediascapes: i link anonymity of the internet to cyber relationships as mainly why people enjoy using internet is because they can choose to reveal or not to reveal their identity. When they reveal their identity, there will be a responsibility to take. Any carelessness would lead to a undesired consequence. So to be safe, most people choose to hide to prevent any "burden" and to feel more easy about posting things they want without having to worry about anything. People who are involved in cyber relationships may not necessarily have to reveal their identities as what they are looking for may just be the thrill and the fun of it. This is what you cannot get from a real life relationship. However, you are right to say that some who are serious about cyber relationships would reveal their personal information but i'm sure its to a certain extend only as would you really believe fully and put 100% of your trust to a person you meet only online? I mean you aren't certain if what they tell you are 100% pure truth or just tons of fabricated information right? Yes, i agree with you. But i'm actually focusing on the point if having a cyber relationship is cheating or not when you already have a partner in the real life as it is more "debate-able" (: i guess i did not put it in a clearer way! Thank you for clarifying nevertheless(:

    Ronald: Thank you for your kind compliment and yes, i agree with you that there are other solutions like looking for a counselor and chatting with family members but to them, maybe they feel that it is easier to look for a listening partner as it is just a click away and you can do it anytime and anywhere. It is also mostly free of charge for a cyber relationship since i guess you may need to pay for counseling. Perhaps this is why they would look for someone online to talk to....

    Jason: Yes, a relationship or say to have a partner who really loves you, he or she must have gone through a lot with you both physically and mentally.. Yup, being behind the screen can totally make a person very different from real life and what you said is true, they can lie but their body language can never lie. Thanks for sharing!

    AMY TAN: I so agree with what you have shared with us. If they have no intentions or motives, why would they want to spend so much time on someone they don't know? Thank you for sharing!

    Joel Oh: Thanks for your kind comment. Yet I am agreeing!

  19. Suetwa: Thank you! Yup, there sure are. But do you think long distance relationship will last? In the long run? Having not to meet as often? Food for thought! Yep, relationship in real life is the most practical relaionship(:

    Jorina: Thank you(: The video I posted? Definitely!

    Gong TianTian: Thanks! Yeah! My sentiments too!

    Kay Yuen: Yea, it's funny! Same here, but some didn't end up well for mine.... sadly.

    Weiling: Thank you!! Yup, it most probably will not last long as compared to real life relationships

    Dewaine: Thank you(: I do not support having a relationship with an online stranger too but i'm totally okay with people making friends online especially for introverts! It's a comfortable way for them to make friends...

    BaoCheng: Wow, that's very honest of you! Yup, people tend to share more on the internet provided they have checked the anonymous button, that is! Hehe!

    kokweng: Yes, and that's quite scary right... not knowing who the other party is.... Thanks for the compliment!

    Bryan: Thank you! I tried making my posts less wordy! Yes, to some people, they are currently having a relationship that started out to making friends online. But what I'm saying here is that people fall in love with an avatar and having a relationship with it online!

    sandy_gal91: Thank you there. True that! Cyber relationship that lasted online and only online? What i'm saying here is not about those dating websites where you meet people and you know.. get into a relationship and stuff. What i'm trying to say are the people who fall in love with the online avatar like in the game, "Sims".

    Muhd Arif: Thank you. Glad you have learnt thru my blog. To be precise, its not to the extent of getting into a relationship online yeah? It's okay if they get to know more about each other and then meet out and do dates! But i don't think it is really okay to date online, fall in love with say, game's avatar which is controlled by another party!

  20. I like the way you paragraph and structured your blog post. It is very detailed but yet to the point and I was able to learn a lot more of interesting facts about Cyber Relationships.

    It has not only given me lots to think about but also enlightened me more on what cyber relationships are really about~ =)

  21. Abigail~: Thank you Abigail for your comment. Glad to hear that you are able to learn from my web page regarding cyber relationships(:

  22. useful 4 my forum...:)

  23. My cyber relationship breathed life back into my relationship with my husband. He has allowed me the space. He understands that he can't be all things to me and that when he lets me go, I am closer to him--happier, lighter. The correspondence started innocently. He knew me in grade school and had sent a card to belatedly express gratitude for the part our family played in his youth. We shared memories and gradually that expanded. Somewhere along the line the tone changed. Both of us began feeling infidelity, increasingly afraid we'd give in to our lesser angels and try to be together. We worked through it. Both of us are committed to our partners, love our partners, enjoy them fully and would quit immediately if they objected. We put a light on it, told our partners the new twinkle they were experiencing was sourced in our communication. I will never meet or speak with cyber love, I hope he never leaves me.

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